I've been quiet lately, keeping my head down, marketing my books, promoting the work of friends, reading and reviewing. Now, however, I am back doing what I really love, writing.
It is unfortunate that authors today have to spend so much time away from the keyboard. How I'd love to have been a writer in the 1950's, hammering away at an old typewriter keyboard while someone else worried about selling the thing. To be able to focus purely on the work in progress would be bliss but it is a luxury that even the biggest authors no longer enjoy.
I don't have a title for my next novel yet but I'm thinking along the lines of Tango or Foxtrot and no, it isnt a detective drama! I, and millions like me, am enchanted by the celebrity show, Strictly Come Dancing and I can't wait to get stuck in, place my characters in a similar world. I have the protaganists in my head, their motivation, the conflict and the resolution are all sketched out nicely on the page. All that remains is for me to add the passion and a sprinkle of sequins. I promise you, this will be one to keep; you are going to love it.
I will keep you posted on the progress. Just give me a few months and it will be with you.
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