I am really pleased to be taking part in The Next Big Thing: Authors Tagging
I was tagged by my really good friend, author Judith Arnopp
and it's my pleasure to keep this going.
So, what I do is answer the questions below, tag a new set
of authors, then they answer, tag authors, etc.
I’m answering questions about my novel, Come, Dance with Me which
is available from FeedaRead in paperback and is also on Amazon Kindle.
What is the working
title of your book?
The title Come, Dance With Me, occurred to me quite quickly.
It is a well-known phrase and tells the reader what the book is about.
Where did the idea
come from for the book?
Come, Dance With Me is very obviously inspired by the BBC’s Strictly
Come Dancing. I love the show and never miss it. When you watch the
couples dancing the chemistry is so strong that it’s easy to imagine
‘something’ between them. I am not suggesting that there is, of course, my book is fiction but the
close contact and the passion of the dances provides perfect scope for the
romance author’s imagination.
Romance, romance all the way. It is sexy but all in the best
possible taste, a wonderful story of love finding a way. All my books are about
love and finding that perfect partner.
What is the one
sentence synopsis for the book?
When Sasha Johnson is partnered with Andrei Kovalevsky in a television celebrity dancing show she does all in her power to stop him from blowing her
world apart; but can she diffuse a bomb that is already ticking?
How long did it take
you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I wrote the first draft in a month, taking part in the nail
a novel in a month thing but the edits and rewrites took much longer.
Which actors would
you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
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Karen Gillan would make a great Sasha Johnson |
Ooh, now there’s a question. Sasha is tall, feisty and auburn
haired. If Karen Gillan who plays Emily Pond in Dr Who can dance she would be
perfect. For Andrei, Orlando Bloom would be nice – for a number of reasons, if
only to take the author out for lunch. And for Sasha’s best friend, Lisa, I
would like Dani Harmer of Tracey Beaker fame. Funnily enough she is doing very
well on this seasons Strictly Come Dancing – maybe she should play Sasha!
Come, Dance With Me is a typical romance, feisty females, smouldering alpha males,
lots of fun and quite sexy.
What else about the
book might pique the readers’ interest?
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Orlando Bloom would be my idea Andrei |
Come, Dance With Me has truck-loads of romance, ballroom and
latin dancing, sparkling costumes, sexy interludes, and a whole heap of emotional
trouble for the couple to untangle. It is all about love overcoming obstacles.
Come, Dance with me is available on
Amazon Kindle and in paperback via the publisher
And for the authors I have tagged: Andrea Cefalo, author
of The Fairytale Keeper and Avis Exley, author of Lovers in Law and Love Notes.
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