Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Where the West Wind Blows

I love writing about glamorous, far flung places and peopling them with broad chested billionaires and sharp witted, feisty women but sometimes in a writer's life, a story appears from nowhere; a story that insists upon being written. It is as if someone has control of my mind and my fingers and there is nothing I can do but get it down on paper. The plot emerges as it wants to, in a great outpouring of emotion and that is how my novella, Where the West Wind Blows came to fruition. I woke one morning and there it was, fully formed, in my head.

There is not a muscle-bound billionaire or a luxury mansion in sight in this rather dark romance and the heavier themes may not be for all my readers. That is why the novella is not branded in my usual way. No black and red sexiness this time but something that lies rather nearer to my heart.

 Blissfully married to James, for twenty five years, successful artist, Fiona Japp, is devastated when he suffers a sudden heart attack. She is totally floored by his loss and teeters on the edge of nervous collapse. When her postman finds her in a pool of blood one morning, Fiona is admitted to hospital. And, on her release, still unable to face returning to the home she shared with James, she escapes to a holiday cottage on the Welsh coast where her anguish is diluted in the rain, blown by the winds and finally extinguished by a suffering even greater than her own.

Where the West Wind Blows is a story of loss, mental collapse and healing, proving that there really is life after sudden death.

Where the West Wind Blows will soon be published as an e-book. Look our for the free promotion.

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